Monday, February 28, 2005

the art of happiness

hatch wrote:
Another thing I've discovered is that people don't always like it whem I'm nice. No, I mean if I'm too nice too fast, they think I'm not normal or something. It frightens them. It does and than they get all defensive and less than friendly. I don't understand that. I've also noticed that if I'm not nice at first, people aren't as scared. They are not as scared and they think I'm normal. Makes me wonder how we get in so deep you know.

bob wrote - For about two weeks after I read "The Art of Happiness" by the Dali Lama I walked around completely overwhwelmed by how similar people are and how they all want a bit of respect and affection in their lives and how they will all die and are afraid of that.... One time I was standing in a check out line and was suddenly filled with compassion for this poor, dumpy girl behind the counter. I wondered what her life was like and whether she ever had good sex and if she believed in herself etc. Finally she intervened in my little reverie in no uncertain terms. I hope I wasn't salivating or something.


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