Friday, February 25, 2005

part three

Day Four - Visit a Buddhist monument depicting the stages of enlightenment. It is in the shape of a small hill and may in fact actually be a small hill depending of course on how you define the words "small" and "hill". Words are funny that way. In any case as you wind your way up and around the monument you are likely to observe, as mentioned, the various stages of enlightenment beginning at the bottom with lots of large breasted women, elephants and other human expressions of longing and supplication. At the top you will notice a lot of guys sitting around cross legged with good posture. Apparently women do not achieve nirvana. Or perhaps they were born there. All I know for sure is that it was hot as hell and I wound up with sun stroke and a migraine. I met some students on holiday from Borneo (apparently students from Borneo also require vacations) who took me to the local hospital where I begged, unenlightened one fashion, for a shot of the good stuff. Slept like a baby that night.


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