Friday, July 01, 2005

johnny revolta

bob - Hollywood producers get funding for a film on the condition that there are certain number of fights, a certain number of flatulance jokes and/or on the condition that John Travolta or Brad Pit gets a certain amount of screen time. They don't care if the thing makes sense or deals with an aspect of real human experience because they know that if the sound bite is "cool" and they have a big name star people will pay to see it. Hollywood films are as bad as they are because they're produced by business people and not by artists, and because there literally hundreds of millions of people in the world who "just want to be entertained" and bring almost no intelligent critical judgement to their movie viewing choices. As long as we keep paying to see stupid movies they will keep making them. It's show business. Show "business." With no "business" there's no "show." That would perhaps be preferable.


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