Wednesday, May 17, 2006

canada goosed

bob - Canada geese are on the endangered species list but it always seemed to us there was a lot around and damned arrogant too so we'd pop their heads off with a seven iron and then boil them in the steam vents that ran off the laundramats in China town. Not bad eating, a bit gamey and the bleach didn't do much for the flavor either, but heck, the price was right....

Old Gobbo - MMMmmmmmm Steam-bleached Canada Goose...ARRGGGGLLLL

Using an old needle as a meat thermometer, small B bob looking around at his dinner guests, raised a lysol sandwich and thusly spake, "Boys, our goose is near cooked!"

bob - And just then we noticed Fred was looking a little purple so Ned gave him a boot and, with a giant fart, Fred fell flat on his face. Nobody said much or responded at all really till Ted noticed "I think Fred's dead Ned. Freds dead" and with that each floated off to his own hell on clouds that were shrinking fast.


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