Saturday, February 26, 2005

part five

Day Seven - The beginning of real illness. Nose running like a faucet and the swelling and pain in my throat make of life a painful endeavor. The combination of high fever and third class indonesian public transport begin to have a loosening effect on the mind's defenses. Demons are wrestled with and succumbed to until all that is left is an aching hole where my thoughts and emotions once were. It is, in all seriousness, extremely therapeautic. Like a brain enema.

Day Eight - Arrive in Bali where the body insists upon and recieves a full two days sleep. Emerge from my slumber only for sustenance and massage. Massage is a vital and regular part of bob's life while in Indonesia and he is in fact fairly certain that in his feverish delirium he often stumbled directly from one massage directly into another. This has the effect of accelerating the course of his illness and it is not long before our intrepid explorer is on the road again. This time to the island of Lombok.....


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