Tuesday, March 01, 2005

yucatan by bus

loretta wrote - I've fallen into a bit of a rut in the last few months, and need to be more pro-active in managing my situation.

I have a decent income without working too hard, which leaves me with a couple of days every week and some spare cash to invest. Teaching is fine, as a job, but it's not enough. Not for me. I need a challenge, something with a bit more direction and room for growth. But I doubt that I'll succeed on my own.

I'm interested in meeting/talking to anyone interested in the following:

* setting up a website and doing a bit of promotion to generate private classes - each participant having their own page and specialities to offer.

* working with organisations that send students to schools overseas.

* taking over my high-school classes after CNY.

* two weeks in Seoul over CNY, teaching.

* investing time/money in any other venture you care to name that is not teaching.

I checked, and the URL taipeimanwhores.com is available but I'd like to explore more options before going that route. Cool

bob wrote - Feeling you there Strag. I have been off prozac for a week now and my balls are like watermelons I'm tellin ya.

And then there is all that fine hash in Nepal. Ever think of import/export?

This buddhism thing is all well and good but it's not big on kicks.

Anyway the website idea sounds good but isn't somebody already trying that?

mod lang wrote - "Is this it? Is this what it's all about, Manny? Eating, Drinking, f***ing, Sucking, [Come on, man] Snorting? Then what? Tell me, then what? You're fifty. You gotta bag for a belly. You got tits, you need a bra; they got hair on 'em. You got a liver, it's got spots on it, and your eatin' dis f***ing shit; and you're looking like these rich f***ing mummies in here. [Come on, it's not so bad; it could be worse, ya'know?] Is this what it's all about? [Fo'get it] Is this what I work for? Look at that, a junkie. I gotta f***ing junkie for a wife. Don't eat nothin', sleeps all day wit dem black chades on. Wakes up with a qualude. [Dont pick on her, man] And who won't fuck me, [come on...] cuz she's in a coma. I can't even have a kid wit'er, Manny. Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a f***ing little baby wit'er!" [Now that's not nice...] / "You son of a bitch! You fuck!"

Loretta wrote - Will someone please delete/flounder that idiotic post from Mod Lang?

This is a serious question, Mr Shit-for-brains, and your immature input is not hel at all.

Loretta wrote - bob, I hate being called 'strag'. Please call me Loretta.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm looking for solutions that involve taking action, not drugs.
mod lang wrote - Not a big fan of Scarface, I take it.

bob wrote - O.K. loretta I can see you are in no mood for silliness today. Still I can't see why you had to be so mean to mod. I thought his post was pretty funny....

Anyway. It seems like you are a bit conflicted there as well because at one point you say that you want to do something besides teach and the next minute you are talking about going to Korea to do just that. Maybe you are not as tired of teaching as you think you are and in fact just need another angle of attack on the situation. Maybe you want something physical to "do." Maybe you want a chance to get paid for practicing your Chinese. Maybe you want more freedom, drama, music, fun and creativity in your teaching life. Maybe I am talking out my ass. Anyway I have developed a system recently that allows for all of that and more. All I need is more space and more students.

I guess this is my way of saying that a web page, flyers and free introductory lessons is probably the way to finally break away from the administrators and their rules.

Big Fluffy Matthew wrote - I don't think there is anything more to life than this, That's your lot, mate.
Loretta wrote - The point is not that I have a gripe with any of the work I do, except that I could very easily be still doing the same thing in another ten years. And by then I'll have less energy and enthusiasm so I won't be able to make as much for doing it. I'm not tired of teaching now, but one day I will be tired, washed-up, and poor - if I don't do something else.

I'm doing fine right now, and want to invest my time and energy into doing something else that will keep me happy, motivated, and well-rewarded in future. I'm looking for options, not stupid quotes from stupid movies (or whatever) or people telling me to do drugs. Solutions and positive action are far better than switching your brain off.

So let me say it again in simple words for the hard-of-thinking: I am happy. I make enough money. I have spare money. I have spare time. Where do I invest my spare time and money? Who else feels the same way and wants to do better than they are doing? Can we help each other?

Possibilities, for myself and others, abound. I want to explore them, not deal with juvenile interjections from the likes of ML.

Is that clear now? It seems to have been clear to the people who PMd me about this already. I hope that people can use this website to make change in their lives, not just as a distraction from the mundane realities in which they appear to live.

BFM, you are more wrong than you can possibly imagine. Where are the dancing girls, fast boats, wild men of rock, giant octopi, moonlit frolics? How can this be my life if there's no baby-oil, no big tasty contract dangling in front of me, no big exciting adventure to chase, no movement, no growth, no champagne in my fridge, no disaster to avert, no wreckage to salvage a victory out of, no great disppointment and no great joy? My lot so far has been fabulously rewarding in experiential terms, which has enabled me to do pretty well here, but I'm not going to stop now and spend the rest of my life doing the same old same old. It's getting boring already.

Sorry, I guess I'm still refusing to accept ordinary life. It's never been enough for me, and probably never will. I want the life I'm more used to, but this time I'm looking for people to share the ride. Explorers, people who experiment, people who find solutions, thinkers and doers. This is a serious undertaking, not to be embarked upon lightly or without a good supply of Bacardi. Scarface, whoever he is, doesn't seem to have much to contribute.

Ah, got it! To summarise: I'm not looking for sympathy, or answers. I'm looking for others who actually want to do something instead of talk about their problems. Hence the list of options.
bob wrote - Tired of telling the same old stories there Lorretta? Perhaps you should consider joining us here at the "He left right? brain film studio and language school". This place is filled with self absorbed ego maniacs looking to explore, create, get rich and make their mark in life in a big, bold way. Owing to creative differences and mixed messages participants have each begun work on their own productions. I am just finishing up the script on "Introduction to Bob's Penis." Naturally you would have all the freedom you want to work on anything you choose and the day hell freezes over you may even get someone to co-operate with you. I hope this was more helpful.

Jefferson wrote - Life is what YOU make of it, Loretta. It's obvious from your responses to the posts (which you solicited by starting this thread) that what you're seeking is not a litany of suggestions from Armchair Actionpeople, but a forum in which to air your angst. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but my take is your aim (conscious or otherwise) is to motivate YOURSELF into taking action.

How can any of us suggest what you should do? You're feeling unsettled, which is natural enough. Maybe you're getting on in years, I don't know, and you want to make your mark while the fire still burns. Again, natural enough - even noble.

Maybe you're looking around and feeling the years wrapping around you like rings around a tree, and you want something more tangible, less transitory. This place is full of transitory people, many of whose credo is flipping the bird to the rest of the world. You don't like it. Maybe you see too much of yourself in it. You're ready to stop screwing around and start getting on with things.

Or maybe what you're really getting at is you're wasting too much time posting in these forums, and this thread is a lashing out at yourself and the rest of us. You want to stop blabbering about what you're going to do and start actually doing it. And, you want us to stop trying to get inside your head, reading too much into your 1s and 0s and pissing you off by bouncing off your bytes in all the wrong ways.

If it were me in your position, I'd call a friend or two and talk about your situation. Better that than solicit (possibly unwanted) feedback from a group of virtual strangers, whose pathetic 2D responses to your posts are a far cry from what you really want to hear (and do).

That's just my take. I don't know you from Adam, but I hope you'll take my comments as constructive (which was their intention).


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