Friday, July 01, 2005

not about cana duh deh eh

bob - Internet communities are pretty new to me so I am sometimes a bit confused about what all this written corespondence with strangers means exactly, but I think I had something of an epiphany last night. I was explaining to my wife that I had recieved some nice comments from people at forumosa (yours sandman was particularly heart warming to me for some reason) saying that they had enjoyed a couple of my posts, and that on a whim I had taken time out of my oh so busy schedule to forward those posts to every e-mail contact I had in Canada. I recieved not a peep in reply. Nothing. More blather about how the mortage was just about paid off, or how billy bob's new braces were bothering him, but about my writing not a goddam thing. At that point I realized that anyone who has read the majority of my posts during my brief time here so far probably undertsands what makes me tick about as well as anyone I have ever known in person. In fact I would go on to say that anyone who reads my posts regularly is probably more like the kind of person I could make friends with anyway.

OK that is about as mushy as I get. You can expect more of the usual nonsense from here on in....


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