Fred Likes to Watch TV
Fred Likes to Watch TV
1) Everyday after dinner Fred watches television programs or DVD because he is interested in a lot of things and because he enjoys drama and comedy and wants to improve his English. Fred is a lower intermediate student so television programs and DVD are a real challenge to him. There are a few good television programs available on DVD as well and since these are shorter than movies they are easier to study. Fred really likes “Friends” “Sex in the City” “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “Six Feet Under.”
2) His mother always wants him to clean up his room, his brother always wants him to play video games, and his girlfriend always wants him to take her out for dinner; but Fred wants to improve his English so he always watches television for at least half an hour after dinner.
3) Sometimes Fred buys the China post which has a television guide that tells him what is on every night. He knows that there are a lot of English programs and a lot of English television stations. There is HBO, Cinemax, AXN, Hollywood, Star Movies, MTV, National Geographic, Discovery, Travel and Living, Animal Planet, CNN and the Daily Show etc. His favorite station is National Geographic. There are also quite a few good EFL programs such as Studio Classroom and Jeff’s English etc. Fred Channel surfs almost every day and frequently finds interesting shows to watch. He turns up the volume and tries to listen and read the subtitles at the same time.
4) Of course there are a lot of words that Fred doesn’t know or doesn’t understand because they are pronounced so quickly, or sometimes because the grammar pattern is too difficult for him. He trusts though that if he keeps learning vocabulary (especially from DVD but from a variety of other sources too) his listening will improve. He sometimes studies his grammar text book especially if he can find answers to problems he is having with some grammar point. He also listens to his relaxed pronunciation tapes regularly. As his listening improves his speaking improves naturally especially if he looks for chances to speak English and thinks about and organizes his thoughts before he meets his teacher.
5) Mostly Fred likes to watch DVD because DVD has so many amazing functions such as repeat, pause, fast forward, rewind etc. The best thing about DVD is that he can change the subtitle and use these functions all at the same time.
6) He usually watches his DVDs the first time with the Chinese subtitle and doesn’t pause, fast forward or rewind at all. As he watches he tries to notice which scenes are most interesting to him or contain the vocabulary that he wants to learn.
7) Next he watches the movie again with the English subtitle. When he gets to the first scene he wants to study (sometimes he uses the fast forward button) he pushes the repeat button and an “a” appears on his television screen. Then when he sees words that he feels he has seen before but doesn’t really understand or that seem to express ideas that he would like to be able to express himself, he pushes the pause button. He writes down the words or expressions that he wants to learn. Sometimes he writes down the vocabulary with the entire sentence in which he found it. Then he pushes the play button and watches until he sees more vocabulary he wants to study. There is a lot of new vocabulary so he tries to focus on the words that seem a bit familiar. When he gets to the end of the scene that is interesting to him he pushes the repeat button. A “b” appears on the screen, and the DVD returns to the beginning of the chosen section.
8) Next he changes the subtitle to Chinese and listens very carefully for the words he wants to learn. When he hears them he pushes the pause button and tries to find the translation in the subtitle. He understands that the subtitles are written for people who are trying to enjoy a movie and not for people who are studying a language so sometimes the translations are inaccurate. Other times they seem very good and when they are he writes the translation down beside the English. He tries to remember the scenes where he found the new vocabulary and tries to figure out how he will describe the scene later. When Fred gets to the next scene that is interesting to him he repeats this process again. Sometimes he pauses the DVD and writes down words from other scenes as well. Fred watches the whole movie this way, sometimes using the various functions and sometime not.
9) Finally Fred writes a paragraph or two describing the movie. The paragraph contains the characters names, the plot and sometimes a brief description of the theme. He writes a sentence or two explaining why he liked or didn’t like the movie. If there are any really funny or wise lines that he wants to remember he writes these down too. Fred doesn’t worry too much about spelling and grammar mistakes. He usually watches a movie once straight through on Sunday and then spends half an hour a day or so studying the movie again with the subtitle, repeat function etc.
When he comes to class he is always well prepared to discuss the movie and ask questions about the vocabulary he learned. He understands that his teacher will probably only ask him to mark about half the words from his list in the dictionary. Sometime he recommends movies to the other students.
10) Fred understands that no two movies are the same and no two students are the same so it is impossible for anybody to tell you exactly how to study with DVD. Because he is a lower intermediate student, he uses something similar to the system described above for at least half an hour per day so his English is of course improving very quickly. He knows this because after he has studied a movie this way he can talk about it quite clearly with his teacher and because he can sometime listen to parts of the film with no subtitle and understand most of it. It is a wonderful feeling.
1) Does Fred like to watch TV after every day?
Does Fred Watch TV after dinner?
Does Fred watch TV after diner or before breakfast?
When does Fred watch TV?
Does Fred like to watch television programs?
Does Fred like to watch DVD?
Does Fred like to watch television programs or DVD?
Does Fred enjoy comedy?
Does Fred enjoy drama?
Does Fred enjoy comedy or drama?
Does Fed enjoy action adventure movies?
Does Fred enjoy mystery movies?
Does Fred enjoy romance movies?
Does Fred enjoy crime drama?
Is Fred interested in a lot of things?
Does Fred want to improve his English?
Why does Fred watch TV after dinner every day?
Are you interested in a lot of things?
Do you watch television everyday after dinner?
Is Fred a beginner?
Is Fred an intermediate student?
Is Fred an advanced student?
Is Fred an advanced student or an intermediate Student?
Is “Friends” a television program?
Is “Friends” available on DVD?
Is “Sex in the City” available on DVD?
Is “Six Feet Under” one of Fred’s favorite programs?
Is “Everybody Loves Raymond” one of your favorite programs?
2) Does Fred’s mother always want him to clean his room?
Does his brother always want hen to clean his room?
Does his brother or his sister always want him to clean up his room?
Who wants him to clean up his room?
What does his sister want him to do?
What does his girlfriend want him to do?
3) Does Fred sometimes buy the China post?
Does Fred sometimes buy a galaxy?
Does Fred sometimes buy the China Post or a galaxy?
Does the China post contain a television listing?
Do the television listings say what programs are on?
Do they tell what channel those programs are on?
Do they tell what time they are on?
Are HBO, Cinemax, AXN, Hollywood, Star Movies, MTV, National Geographic, Discovery, Travel and Living, Animal Planet television stations or television programs?
Are there a few good EFL programs on everyday?
What are they called?
Does Fred Channel surf?
Do you channel surf?
Does Fred Channel surf every Sunday or everyday?
Does he channel surf before breakfast or after dinner?
Do you channel surf after dinner?
Does he frequently find interesting programs to watch?
Is animal planet his favorite program?
Does he turn up the volume and try to listen at the same time as he watches the scene and reads the subtitle?
Does he turn down the volume and ignore the English?
Why doesn’t he ignore the English?
4) Are there a lot of words on television programs and DVD that Fred does not know?
Are there words that he knows but does not understand when he hears them?
Why doesn’t he understand them?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he keeps learning vocabulary from DVD and other sources?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he keeps looking in his grammar book for answers to his grammar questions?
Does he trust that his listening comprehension will continue to improve is he marks words in his dictionary and reviews them later?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he keeps reviewing his relaxed pronunciation tapes?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he makes a tape recording in class and reviews it later?
Does he trust that his speaking will improve if he looks for opportunities to speak English and if he organizes his thoughts before he meets his teacher?
5) Does Fed mostly like to watch DVD?
Why does Fed mostly like to watch DVD?
What is the best thing about DVD?
6) Does Fed usually watch movies straight through with the Chinese subtitle the first time?
Does he try to notice which scenes have the most useful vocabulary?
7) Does Fed usually watch the movie the second time with the English subtitle?Does Fred sometimes fast forward to the scenes he wants to study?
Does he push “a” when he comes to the scene he wants to study?
Does he push the pause button when he sees words he wants to study
Does he write down the words and expressions he wants to learn?
Does he write down that vocabulary in the sentence that he found them?
Does he understand that he must ignore some vocabulary because DVD gives too much?
What does Fred do when he gets to the end of scenes that he wants to study?
8) Does Fred change the subtitle to Chinese again?
Does he listen “very” carefully for the English words and expressions he wants to learn?
Does he try to find the translation in the subtitle?
Does he write the Chinese down beside the English word?
Does he understand that the translations are not always perfect?
Does Fred repeat this whole process with the next scene he wants to study?
Does Fred sometimes write down vocabulary from other scenes as well?
9) Does Fred write a paragraph or two describing the movie?
Does he write down the character’s names?
Does he try to describe the main elements of the plot?
Does he try to describe the theme?
Does he worry a lot about spelling and grammar mistakes?
Does he try to explain why he liked or didn’t like the movie?
Does he write down his favorite lines?
Is Fred always tired and confused when he comes to class?
Does Fred usually watch the movie once through on Sunday with the Chinese subtitle?
Does Fred spend half an hour a day or so the other nights using the various other functions?
Is Fred always well prepared to discuss the movie he saw when he comes to class?
Does he always have a vocabulary list to show the teacher?
Does he understand that the teacher will encourage him to review only about half of the words on his list?
Does Fred sometimes recommend movies to the other students?
10) Does Fred understand that it is impossible to tell anybody exactly how to learn from DVD?
Does he think that something similar to the process described above will work for most intermediate students?
What changes to this procedure do you think Fred would recommend to a lower level student?
What changes would he recommend to a higher level student?
What do you think of the muvoniks technique so far?
1) Everyday after dinner Fred watches television programs or DVD because he is interested in a lot of things and because he enjoys drama and comedy and wants to improve his English. Fred is a lower intermediate student so television programs and DVD are a real challenge to him. There are a few good television programs available on DVD as well and since these are shorter than movies they are easier to study. Fred really likes “Friends” “Sex in the City” “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “Six Feet Under.”
2) His mother always wants him to clean up his room, his brother always wants him to play video games, and his girlfriend always wants him to take her out for dinner; but Fred wants to improve his English so he always watches television for at least half an hour after dinner.
3) Sometimes Fred buys the China post which has a television guide that tells him what is on every night. He knows that there are a lot of English programs and a lot of English television stations. There is HBO, Cinemax, AXN, Hollywood, Star Movies, MTV, National Geographic, Discovery, Travel and Living, Animal Planet, CNN and the Daily Show etc. His favorite station is National Geographic. There are also quite a few good EFL programs such as Studio Classroom and Jeff’s English etc. Fred Channel surfs almost every day and frequently finds interesting shows to watch. He turns up the volume and tries to listen and read the subtitles at the same time.
4) Of course there are a lot of words that Fred doesn’t know or doesn’t understand because they are pronounced so quickly, or sometimes because the grammar pattern is too difficult for him. He trusts though that if he keeps learning vocabulary (especially from DVD but from a variety of other sources too) his listening will improve. He sometimes studies his grammar text book especially if he can find answers to problems he is having with some grammar point. He also listens to his relaxed pronunciation tapes regularly. As his listening improves his speaking improves naturally especially if he looks for chances to speak English and thinks about and organizes his thoughts before he meets his teacher.
5) Mostly Fred likes to watch DVD because DVD has so many amazing functions such as repeat, pause, fast forward, rewind etc. The best thing about DVD is that he can change the subtitle and use these functions all at the same time.
6) He usually watches his DVDs the first time with the Chinese subtitle and doesn’t pause, fast forward or rewind at all. As he watches he tries to notice which scenes are most interesting to him or contain the vocabulary that he wants to learn.
7) Next he watches the movie again with the English subtitle. When he gets to the first scene he wants to study (sometimes he uses the fast forward button) he pushes the repeat button and an “a” appears on his television screen. Then when he sees words that he feels he has seen before but doesn’t really understand or that seem to express ideas that he would like to be able to express himself, he pushes the pause button. He writes down the words or expressions that he wants to learn. Sometimes he writes down the vocabulary with the entire sentence in which he found it. Then he pushes the play button and watches until he sees more vocabulary he wants to study. There is a lot of new vocabulary so he tries to focus on the words that seem a bit familiar. When he gets to the end of the scene that is interesting to him he pushes the repeat button. A “b” appears on the screen, and the DVD returns to the beginning of the chosen section.
8) Next he changes the subtitle to Chinese and listens very carefully for the words he wants to learn. When he hears them he pushes the pause button and tries to find the translation in the subtitle. He understands that the subtitles are written for people who are trying to enjoy a movie and not for people who are studying a language so sometimes the translations are inaccurate. Other times they seem very good and when they are he writes the translation down beside the English. He tries to remember the scenes where he found the new vocabulary and tries to figure out how he will describe the scene later. When Fred gets to the next scene that is interesting to him he repeats this process again. Sometimes he pauses the DVD and writes down words from other scenes as well. Fred watches the whole movie this way, sometimes using the various functions and sometime not.
9) Finally Fred writes a paragraph or two describing the movie. The paragraph contains the characters names, the plot and sometimes a brief description of the theme. He writes a sentence or two explaining why he liked or didn’t like the movie. If there are any really funny or wise lines that he wants to remember he writes these down too. Fred doesn’t worry too much about spelling and grammar mistakes. He usually watches a movie once straight through on Sunday and then spends half an hour a day or so studying the movie again with the subtitle, repeat function etc.
When he comes to class he is always well prepared to discuss the movie and ask questions about the vocabulary he learned. He understands that his teacher will probably only ask him to mark about half the words from his list in the dictionary. Sometime he recommends movies to the other students.
10) Fred understands that no two movies are the same and no two students are the same so it is impossible for anybody to tell you exactly how to study with DVD. Because he is a lower intermediate student, he uses something similar to the system described above for at least half an hour per day so his English is of course improving very quickly. He knows this because after he has studied a movie this way he can talk about it quite clearly with his teacher and because he can sometime listen to parts of the film with no subtitle and understand most of it. It is a wonderful feeling.
1) Does Fred like to watch TV after every day?
Does Fred Watch TV after dinner?
Does Fred watch TV after diner or before breakfast?
When does Fred watch TV?
Does Fred like to watch television programs?
Does Fred like to watch DVD?
Does Fred like to watch television programs or DVD?
Does Fred enjoy comedy?
Does Fred enjoy drama?
Does Fred enjoy comedy or drama?
Does Fed enjoy action adventure movies?
Does Fred enjoy mystery movies?
Does Fred enjoy romance movies?
Does Fred enjoy crime drama?
Is Fred interested in a lot of things?
Does Fred want to improve his English?
Why does Fred watch TV after dinner every day?
Are you interested in a lot of things?
Do you watch television everyday after dinner?
Is Fred a beginner?
Is Fred an intermediate student?
Is Fred an advanced student?
Is Fred an advanced student or an intermediate Student?
Is “Friends” a television program?
Is “Friends” available on DVD?
Is “Sex in the City” available on DVD?
Is “Six Feet Under” one of Fred’s favorite programs?
Is “Everybody Loves Raymond” one of your favorite programs?
2) Does Fred’s mother always want him to clean his room?
Does his brother always want hen to clean his room?
Does his brother or his sister always want him to clean up his room?
Who wants him to clean up his room?
What does his sister want him to do?
What does his girlfriend want him to do?
3) Does Fred sometimes buy the China post?
Does Fred sometimes buy a galaxy?
Does Fred sometimes buy the China Post or a galaxy?
Does the China post contain a television listing?
Do the television listings say what programs are on?
Do they tell what channel those programs are on?
Do they tell what time they are on?
Are HBO, Cinemax, AXN, Hollywood, Star Movies, MTV, National Geographic, Discovery, Travel and Living, Animal Planet television stations or television programs?
Are there a few good EFL programs on everyday?
What are they called?
Does Fred Channel surf?
Do you channel surf?
Does Fred Channel surf every Sunday or everyday?
Does he channel surf before breakfast or after dinner?
Do you channel surf after dinner?
Does he frequently find interesting programs to watch?
Is animal planet his favorite program?
Does he turn up the volume and try to listen at the same time as he watches the scene and reads the subtitle?
Does he turn down the volume and ignore the English?
Why doesn’t he ignore the English?
4) Are there a lot of words on television programs and DVD that Fred does not know?
Are there words that he knows but does not understand when he hears them?
Why doesn’t he understand them?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he keeps learning vocabulary from DVD and other sources?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he keeps looking in his grammar book for answers to his grammar questions?
Does he trust that his listening comprehension will continue to improve is he marks words in his dictionary and reviews them later?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he keeps reviewing his relaxed pronunciation tapes?
Does he trust that his listening will improve if he makes a tape recording in class and reviews it later?
Does he trust that his speaking will improve if he looks for opportunities to speak English and if he organizes his thoughts before he meets his teacher?
5) Does Fed mostly like to watch DVD?
Why does Fed mostly like to watch DVD?
What is the best thing about DVD?
6) Does Fed usually watch movies straight through with the Chinese subtitle the first time?
Does he try to notice which scenes have the most useful vocabulary?
7) Does Fed usually watch the movie the second time with the English subtitle?Does Fred sometimes fast forward to the scenes he wants to study?
Does he push “a” when he comes to the scene he wants to study?
Does he push the pause button when he sees words he wants to study
Does he write down the words and expressions he wants to learn?
Does he write down that vocabulary in the sentence that he found them?
Does he understand that he must ignore some vocabulary because DVD gives too much?
What does Fred do when he gets to the end of scenes that he wants to study?
8) Does Fred change the subtitle to Chinese again?
Does he listen “very” carefully for the English words and expressions he wants to learn?
Does he try to find the translation in the subtitle?
Does he write the Chinese down beside the English word?
Does he understand that the translations are not always perfect?
Does Fred repeat this whole process with the next scene he wants to study?
Does Fred sometimes write down vocabulary from other scenes as well?
9) Does Fred write a paragraph or two describing the movie?
Does he write down the character’s names?
Does he try to describe the main elements of the plot?
Does he try to describe the theme?
Does he worry a lot about spelling and grammar mistakes?
Does he try to explain why he liked or didn’t like the movie?
Does he write down his favorite lines?
Is Fred always tired and confused when he comes to class?
Does Fred usually watch the movie once through on Sunday with the Chinese subtitle?
Does Fred spend half an hour a day or so the other nights using the various other functions?
Is Fred always well prepared to discuss the movie he saw when he comes to class?
Does he always have a vocabulary list to show the teacher?
Does he understand that the teacher will encourage him to review only about half of the words on his list?
Does Fred sometimes recommend movies to the other students?
10) Does Fred understand that it is impossible to tell anybody exactly how to learn from DVD?
Does he think that something similar to the process described above will work for most intermediate students?
What changes to this procedure do you think Fred would recommend to a lower level student?
What changes would he recommend to a higher level student?
What do you think of the muvoniks technique so far?
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