Thursday, November 16, 2006


natsa - Years ago, CBS had a popular little series called Gilligan's Island.
There is, however, a dark secret about this "comedy" you may never
have realized. The island is a direct representation of HELL.

Nobody on the island wants to be there, yet none are able to
leave. Each one of the characters represents one of the 7 deadly

Ginger represents LUST - she wears skimpy outfits, is obsessed
with her looks, and is a borderline nymphomaniac.

Mary Ann represents ENVY - she is jealous of Ginger's beauty.

The Professor represents PRIDE - he is an annoying know-it-all.

Mr. Howell represents GREED - no explanation needed.

Mrs. Howell represents SLOTH - she has never lifted a finger to
help on any of their escape plans.

The Skipper represents two sins: GLUTTON - again, no explanation
needed and ANGER - he violently hits Gilligan on each show.

This leaves Gilligan. Gilligan is the person who put them
there. He prevents them from leaving by foiling all of their escape
plots. Also, it is HIS island. Therefore, Gilligan is SATAN.

........ Crazy? He does wear red in every episode.

jdsmith - ah bartleby...ah education

ShaoPang - Funny....I'm sitting here watching Gilligan's Island as I am reading this.

axiom - Though I like this idea, and if nothing else, it's do you explain the Cosmonaut who was able to leave?

Satellite TV - The skipper did want Gilligans tail
his pants he did unzip
that big fat homo was too large
he broke little buddy's hip

violet - I believe this is true. I read somwhere that the guy who wrote the scripts for the show really believed that the show had intellectual merit. He used to get letters from college professors and the like who really "got" the show's message, or so he said.


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