Thursday, March 22, 2007

fionas the world over

In furtherance of my random chaotic theory of second langauge acquisition I am going to begin a study of the films "American Psycho" and "Fiona" with my Phd students tomorrow night. The plan is to introduce the characters, lay out the basic plot line, clear up whatever confusion might arise with regard to idiomatic usage etc. all the usual rigamorol, and then attempt to create a new story in which the two characters are involved in some sort of profound conflict. Naturally Fiona will emerge triumphant in the end, hers being the more elemental evil after all. One is reminded of summer afternoons with father at the Balmoral, learning to cave in the heads of fellow drunkards with a pool cue. American Psycho evil on the other hand, despite his robust and confident apperance, remains at heart essentially hysterical, as we see towards the end in his propensity to sweat profusely and scream in big red letters utterances of the most extreme banailty. It's embarrassing, of course. None of this I don't suppose is much of a revelation to my esteemed colleagues here at forumosa and I am sorry to bore you with the details but as it happens I am rather stuck in terms of the sort of conflict that might be introduced. Either character could sneak up behind the other and run him over with a taxi, evil witch of the east cackling in the background, but that wouldn't do much to reveal anything about either character would it? No, instead I imagine something a bit more complicated, intellectual if you will. Nothing involving the fate of mankind or anything like that either, such concerns are melodramatic and egomanical generally and that isn't the effect I am going for at all. Anyway, despite American Psychos ability to rationally discuss the problems facing the modern world he remains an essentially stupid character, eloquent analysis of the contemporary classics notwithstanding. Fiona is no genius either but there is a tenderness wrapped up in her dementia, much in the manner of butterscotch in butterscotch icecream if that sort of imagery helps at all, and it is this quality which will, paradoxically enough I suppose if one is so inclined as to regard paradox with much interest, give her the strength to push through in the end thereby providing inspiration to Fionas the world over.


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