Monday, January 08, 2007


Indeed. Even a rabid lefty like me can see what value there is to be found in a study of the "great religions." Lovely for example how the Christian right of the US never lags in it's support of the Judaic community and it's continuing dialogue with the Muslim popoulations of the middle east. Islam too had it's uniquely aviotic contribution to the grand discussion, and on US soil as well. Profoundly inspiring stuff, all of this, and to recall that it all grew out of the rather common, garden variety really, schizophrenic experience of hearing voices. Awesome. Certainly more study is required. This group can discuss with that group what they think their schizophrenics thought they heard, or what interpretation might have developed over the millenia with regard to the voices they thought their schizophrenics heard and after another thousand years of discussing the essentiallly psychotic concept of "GOD TALKING" we will perhaps agree to nothing but that it was all rather an embarrassing episode really, so many people arguing and fighting and creating artificial divisions between each other in order that arms manufacturers and security companies could profit.


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