Saturday, December 09, 2006


the chief - Bob spelled backwards is, from one man's perspective at least, still bob.
MY bob isn't meant to conform to any of the expectations you may carry for YOUR bob.
All bobs to all men.
Take the "O" out of bob, what's left?
2 Bs.
Or, you know, NOT 2 Bs.
Is that a question?
Better to suffer the shwings and sparrows of outrageously overpriced FORTUNE subscriptions than, well...
To have never bobbed at all...
Wouldn't you say??
If a bob falls for Forrest (Gump? Whittaker? Your choice), and there's no one there to take a photo that can then be spread all over the Internet in a matter of hours, well...was there ever even a bob there?
And really, Bird sucked, don't you think?
Don't take my word for it, go on, ask bob.
He is, after all, your uncle.

bob - bobalittle bobalot, it makes no difference. But still, why bob? Steven spelled backwards spells god. As does Peter. Anyway, bouyed by the encouragement of his friends and the lovely fresh spring breezes of fall bob heads out now to where the monkees live high and swinging above pedestrian concerns about what mistakes women make, the monkees don't care and are not ashamed in their fascination

the chief -

...and the horses scream at night...

Big Fluffy Matthew - If there really is a bob, why does he let bad things happen, like that guy leaving The Wiggles ? Or does he enjoy it ?

Buttercup - There is a bob, and he hates YOU.

Funk500 - I know there's a Bob Log..

bob - Be that as it may I maintain that there is a useful distinction to be made btwn existential misanthropy on the one hand and grandiose narcicosity on the other wherin it is to be noted that those suffering from existential misanthropy are prone to acts of sadistic banality while those prone to grandiose narcisosity are often guilty of bad spelling. Intratextural references can be used to create a sense of continuity, illusory or otherwise. I make no commitments beyond the enter button. And interupted rhythm patterns. Those suffering from grandiose narcisosity build sentences with good rhythm, a melody that seems to hint at a direction, purpose and meaning even, and then stop. Like the horse mentioned earlier but on a good day. There are no monkees. The sun is warm. The body relaxes and the mind wonders. Like many good Canadians canuktyuktuk is always right. Like all good Australians the chief is too. Buttercup, though young and fleshy still, shows real promise. Life is good.


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