Saturday, February 26, 2005

pinky blond to jet black

People will probably be arguing about the meaning and correct usage of words like ethnicity and race long after they have ceased to mean much of anything. Take me for example. From what my family has told me I understand myself to be Canadian (whatever that means) and my ancestors came from a variety of places including the Netherlands and Britain. My father however was a dark eyed, dark haired, easily tanned individual who was known on occassion to chant like an aboriginal especially after he had been drinking, which was pretty often. I have been close friends with numerous aboriginal people and have lived with three Japanese women and a french woman. As far as I know I have been intimate with women of every hue from pinky blond to jet black. I was married to an Anglo lady for a time and am currently married to a Chinese woman. I speak Chinese after a fashion and have studied French, Spanish and Japanese. I have been listening to music produced by, among others, black people all my life, and, thanks to television, am able to understand much of the rich dialect spoken by certain aspects of the black population of the United States. My mother tongue is in fact a rich blend of influences. About fifteen percent of my life has been spent outside Canada and of the eighty five percent spent inside Canada I would say about a third was spent in self imposed exile from anything even remotely ressembling polite society....I guess if someone wanted to know in three words or less what I "am" I would have to say European Canadian but I can tell you that title doesn't reverberate very deeply with me and that fact doesn't bother me in the least. And I don't think my situation is all that unique either. I guess we need words like "Chinese" and "Latin American" etc. but the more the world integrates the less meaningful those words will become no?


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