Thursday, August 04, 2005

too windy

bob - Time for another let rip with whatever comes to mind first thread and look back at where we been where we at and where wanna be in san fransico one of the world's most deirable cities and nothing like Taipei where it rains constantly and so far this too windy thread isn't amounting to much so you wonder if you've lost it even before you had it and is this all there is and you can tell your wife resents your lazy ass but won't say anything and you feel so godammed tired all the time and you just want what other people want to experience life to wake up enthused to be happy and with no commas or exclamation point or indeed any punctuation marks whatsoever this too windy style may seem rather confusing to the uninitiated but we inititates to the too windy style request that you sit back relax let your mind soar and type the next thing that comes to mind free of self and that you do so free of monitoring behaviours of any kind as it really is too windy and thursday and there ain't a goddam thing else to do.....

Ironman - bob wrote: wake up enthused to be happy and with no commas or exclamation point or indeed any punctuation marks whatsoever .

It's really tiring not having any exclamation marks. Now I know why God invented them.

roach wrote - bob wrote: Time for another let rip with whatever comes to mind first thread and look back at where we been where we at and where wanna be in san fransico one of the world's most deirable cities and nothing like Taipei where it rains constantly and so far this too windy thread isn't amounting to much so you wonder if you've lost it even before you had it and is this all there is and you can tell your wife resents your lazy ass but won't say anything and you feel so godammed tired all the time and you just want what other people want to experience life to wake up enthused to be happy and with no commas or exclamation point or indeed any punctuation marks whatsoever this too windy style may seem rather confusing to the uninitiated but we inititates to the too windy style request that you sit back relax let your mind soar and type the next thing that comes to mind free of self and that you do so free of monitoring behaviours of any kind as it really is too windy and thursday and there ain't a goddam thing else to do.....

Wow! One sentence... Try saying it out load in one breath. Can you do it?

bob - I know what you mean! I mean those exclamation marks really do it for me too! and if I had a canoe I'd be canoeing right now and no I am not jealous! not much and do you even remember what it's like floating down stream with the smell of cotton woods all around and a sky so blue and then as night falls so pinky purple and that chill in the air is just enough to get the juices flowing for one more and goddam that water is cold...

bob - Roach wrote: Can you do it?

And by god ain't that what it all comes down to can you do it can YOU do it can you DO it CAN you do it do it I knew it I can do it but what it can I do and you too what it can you DO what CAN you do what CAN you do what can YOU do...

bob - OK so nobody knows what in fuck you are on about now and that last one with all the can YOU do it and can you DO its really makes it looks like ya blew a gasket but what in the world difference does it make cuz these too windy free for alls really are a riot and tremendously liberating as was discussed at some length last too windy thread but then most likely everybody already for got all about that one already what with wresting mania and carnegies and the vroom vroom I'm a race car driver forum it isn't long before the great rushing whoosh of human experience whooshes us all forward cinematically and with a profound irrelevance forward to that great black night filled with stars and you are walking Ida home from the movie again and it's like fifteen kilometers or something and about five bellow zero but you could care less and you hope she doesn't notice the hard on you had all the way or else you hope she does and later when she phones you and tries to suggest you forced your self on her it is with considerable relish that you point out that she was on TOP the whole time and you wonder what ever happened to her or to yoko or natalie or godam it is to sad to even think about now...

Elegua - Take up a new sport - sailing, windsurfing or kiting -then Taiwan becomes paradise (sort of)

bob - a new sport sport is perhaps just what I need a bit o the old adrenelin to make me feel alive again and ain't that just the ticket but at forty some odd six and disc a herniated sports are kinds bumpy generally and it is only on rather too windy a night out like this when the writing lets loose this ways and if only you all would try it you'd see what I mean just type anything the next thing and submit it without reading it and read it real fast latter in one go don't stop just go don't stop and read forward like and see if there isn't some rhythm that others notice cuz what the heck it's just the flounder forum anywho...

bob - Aqua ball massage?


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