Thursday, March 29, 2007

then there would be nothing

Canadians aren't anything. We are a non-people. Think wind swept frozen prairie with only the odd gopher hole to break the monotony. In the summer we used to stick a garden hose in one hole, wait for them to poke their heads out the other, and then shoot them in the head with a pellet gun. Wasn't enough to kill them but as there was always a leg trap set too we could catch them easy enough. The trick was to get them out of the trap without them biting you. Little bastards. Then we'd fling them in the pond and watch them try to swim with broken legs. They'd bob up and down in the water screaming like little girls with their pants on fire and we'd take pot shot at them with the pellet gun. This would go on for ten or fifteen minutes or so until they finally drowned or somebody got lucky and hit them in the temple with a pellet. Your universe would reel at the horror of it and then there would be nothing.


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