OK I just saw it and I definitely think it was a homo movie. All those breasts and only two tits. Lovely tits they were though, nicely framed in the toga like that, and lit with such warm forgiving light. They could have had more scenes like that and fewer shots of guys flexing their muscles and posturing proudly before sticking the knife in, drawing it out, sticking it in, drawing it out etc. Death is so cool looking when it is choreographed like that, quick and free from fear, horror, writhing around in agony and such. I liked the elephants and was sorry to see them tumble from the cliff. All in all I think it was likely funded by the defense department in advance of the military conflicts scheduled with "asia." There can never be too much meat for the grinder. I noticed too that the nipples were of the Asian variety, large and permanently erect atop firm but less than ample. An indication that asian values have begun to infiltrate and corrupt western culture and values already. Heavy use of steroids and liposuction though, so perhaps there is hope for us yet against the forces of tyranny and mysticism. The largest cod piece of course was reserved for the king and that is a good sign, showing proper deference to the established hierarchy is always a good sign. One wonders though why he didn't lead his army to the top of the trail when he knew the Persians were coming. Wouldn't it have been better to fight from the top of the hill rather than stuck in the middle like that. Also, if you throw a spear at a guy who is a hundred yards away isn't he likely to just step out of the way? Perhaps the King suffered from a masochistic death instinct originating from the years of systematic abuse he suffered as a child. He and the other guy guffawed occassionally of looking forward to dying a good warriors death and one wonders whether when it came if it lived up to their expectancies or did it feel more like a spear in the gut? Definitely an edifying two hours and six minutes at the cinema however. I would recommend the film to anyone brain dead, homosexual or under the age of twelve
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