a better deal
OK try this. Concieve of some concept or other and take a deep breath. Relax, now, allowing your diaphragm to relax therby pushing air past the vocal organs, and by means of subconcious process so infinitely complex that even I have a hard time understaning it, set them to vibrate or not as required by the unique phonetic charactersitics of what will become words, after the other vocal organs: toungue, roof of the mouth, teeth, lips, nose jaw essentially, have had there way with them. Now, if you have followed my instructions you have just caused air molecules to vibrate and those vibrating molecules have entered your ear canal and set your ear drums to pounding in such a manner as to be deciphrable to your brain as language, symbolic sound essentially, and thus creating a circular effect much like a ying/yang symbol or a masturbation party. In any event the thing you need to ask yourself now is "Did the sounds you created sound something like "Aiyo, tai gui ba, keyi bi jiao pianyi ma?" or did they sound something more like "Hang on let me put on my stupid hat and let you stick it to me one more time?" This last part of course is crucial to the discussion and so on and so forth. Old age is a burden to the young I realize but the abstract nonsensical takes decades, if not centuries to fully master, and as time passes we are all one step closer.
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