sound alikes
McDonalds - Mai4dang1lao2
Coke - Ke3kou3ke3le4
Coffee - Ka1fei1
Cheese - Qi3shi1
Brandy - bai2lan2di4jiu3
Whisky - Wei1shi4ji4
Heroin - Hai3luo4yin1
Bar - Ba1
India - Yin4du4
Malaysia - Ma3lai2xi1ya
Australia - Ao4da4li4ya4
Canada - Jia1na2da4
Peter - Pi2te4
Jennifer - Zhen1ni2fu2
Frank - Fu2lan2ke4
Admire - Ai4mu4
Amorous, affectionate, loving - Mo4mo4
Antecedant - An qi er (xian1xing2ci2)
Arrogant - Ao4
Arrogant person - Ao4 man4
Aspirin - A1 si1 pi4 lin2
Attitude - Tai4 du5
Aunt, auntie - A1yi2
Baby - Bao3 bei4
Bandage - Beng1dai4
Beatles – pi2tou2si4
Bikini - Bi3ji1ni3
Blog - bu4luo4ge2
Bubble gum? - Pao4pao4 tang2
Bumper car - Peng4 peng4 che1
Bungee - Beng4ji2
Burst - Bao4
Calorie - ka3lu4li3
Carnation - Kang1nai3xin1
Celsius – she4shi4 de5
Chow mein - Chao3mian4
Chow (n/v) Chao3
Coolie - ku3 li4 (bitter labor)
Dalai Lama - Da2lai4 La3ma1
Derby de2bi3zhan1
Dow Jones Index - dao4 qiong2si1 zhi3su4
Dozen - da2
Drip - di1
Drug - du2
Engine - yin3qing2
Eskimo - ai4si1ji1mo2ren2
Fascist= fa3 xi1 si1
Fengshui - Feng1shui3
Golf - gao1'er3fu1
Guanxi - Guan1xi1
Gung Ho - gong1 he2 (工合)
Ketchup - Koe - Chiap (Hokkien)
Kowtow - Kou4tou2
Kuomintang - Guo2min2dang3
Kung fu - Gong1fu1
Ma2 - Marijuana
Microphone - Mai4ke4feng1
Model - Mo2te4er3
Ping pong - Ping1 pang1
Tou fu - Dou4fu3
Romance (language) - Luo2man4
Romantic - Lang4man4
Typhoon - Tai2feng1
Title - Tai2tou2 (This one isn't in the dictionaries I've seen but comes on good authority regardless. From English through Japanese perhaps.
Wok - Wok
McDonalds - Mai4dang1lao2
Coke - Ke3kou3ke3le4
Coffee - Ka1fei1
Cheese - Qi3shi1
Brandy - bai2lan2di4jiu3
Whisky - Wei1shi4ji4
Heroin - Hai3luo4yin1
Bar - Ba1
India - Yin4du4
Malaysia - Ma3lai2xi1ya
Australia - Ao4da4li4ya4
Canada - Jia1na2da4
Peter - Pi2te4
Jennifer - Zhen1ni2fu2
Frank - Fu2lan2ke4
Admire - Ai4mu4
Amorous, affectionate, loving - Mo4mo4
Antecedant - An qi er (xian1xing2ci2)
Arrogant - Ao4
Arrogant person - Ao4 man4
Aspirin - A1 si1 pi4 lin2
Attitude - Tai4 du5
Aunt, auntie - A1yi2
Baby - Bao3 bei4
Bandage - Beng1dai4
Beatles – pi2tou2si4
Bikini - Bi3ji1ni3
Blog - bu4luo4ge2
Bubble gum? - Pao4pao4 tang2
Bumper car - Peng4 peng4 che1
Bungee - Beng4ji2
Burst - Bao4
Calorie - ka3lu4li3
Carnation - Kang1nai3xin1
Celsius – she4shi4 de5
Chow mein - Chao3mian4
Chow (n/v) Chao3
Coolie - ku3 li4 (bitter labor)
Dalai Lama - Da2lai4 La3ma1
Derby de2bi3zhan1
Dow Jones Index - dao4 qiong2si1 zhi3su4
Dozen - da2
Drip - di1
Drug - du2
Engine - yin3qing2
Eskimo - ai4si1ji1mo2ren2
Fascist= fa3 xi1 si1
Fengshui - Feng1shui3
Golf - gao1'er3fu1
Guanxi - Guan1xi1
Gung Ho - gong1 he2 (工合)
Ketchup - Koe - Chiap (Hokkien)
Kowtow - Kou4tou2
Kuomintang - Guo2min2dang3
Kung fu - Gong1fu1
Ma2 - Marijuana
Microphone - Mai4ke4feng1
Model - Mo2te4er3
Ping pong - Ping1 pang1
Tou fu - Dou4fu3
Romance (language) - Luo2man4
Romantic - Lang4man4
Typhoon - Tai2feng1
Title - Tai2tou2 (This one isn't in the dictionaries I've seen but comes on good authority regardless. From English through Japanese perhaps.
Wok - Wok
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