Saturday, March 05, 2005

what does it mean to be taiwanese?

Nobody knows the answers to this question and it doesn't matter anyway but since I can't sleep again I'll bore you with my untutored take on the situation. Being Taiwanese I think is very much similar to being a human being generally only a lot sillier. Cuteness is very important as are displays of embarasment over the very fact of existence. Taiwanese are a sensitive and soulful people with, paradoxicaly, a strong grounding in the elemental apects of life. The result of this is that they are always flirting but in ways so subtle that this may pass unnoticed by westerners. Taiwanese are unbelievably loyal if they believe that YOU love THEM. This is an essential point. Taiwanese people geneneraly look kind of like Chinese people but with a bit of Aoriginee, Portugese, Dutch and Japanese mixed in. After being here awhile here everyone starts looking European only with less body hair. Most Taiwanese people speak Chinese after a fashion and have had a long history of exposure to bad English instruction. The result is generally not pleasant but there are exceptions to this. Taiwanese eat a lot of rice and noodles but are increasingly coming to prefer mcdonalds. On special occassions, which occur four to ten times a week, Taiwanese will prepare a feast fit for a king. For the Taiwanese the weather is something that you complain about. It serves no other function. Nature is a mystery best viewed on television. Taiwanese sit at home with their parents a lot. They like to buy a lot of "stuff" that they keep for a while and then send off to be incinerated. Taiwanese can not smell air pollution or if they can they think it smells like money or is a part of nature or something. Taiwanese are polite, shy and friendly. Most are dying to experience something new. They are good friends and even better lovers. That is about it I think. If these things describe you at all I suppose you might be more or less Taiwanese which, although it doesn't actually make much difference, is still a pretty nice thing to be.


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