Monday, August 15, 2005

dependant origination and the nature of evil

bob - In the Dalai Lama's "Ethics For the New Millenium" (his second best book IMHO) there is a chapter entitled "Dependant Origination and the Nature of Reality" in which he explains that nothing exists independantly of other things, and so the only thing that exists, in fact, is a complex web of relationships. The "self" that we tend to be so proud of, as if it was something we created "ourselves" for example turns out to be the product of a vast array of influences: genetic, societal, historical, chemical.... The harder we look the more difficult it becomes to find any independant "self" at all. To some extent it is simply illogical to hate an individual when that individual is in fact only a product. Words like evil lose much of their meaning because what most of us mean by that word has something or other to do with free will, and while free will is something we experience, it is not something that stands up very well to scrutiny. So far so good. Lets call it a draw. A paradox.

I think it was in the Art of Happiness that he talks at some length about the human tendancy to view any given phenomenon in terms of it's effect on us personally. The tit on the motorcycle for example becomes just that, some tit on a motorcycle, when his exhaust fills my lungs and his riding style jepordizes my safety. I forget that TOM (tit on motorcycle) is also a human being like myself who has needs and desires, who was born of a woman, will someday die and who is perhaps very much afraid of that. He probably possess many admirable qualities. Perhaps he takes good care of his family for example or is a trustworthy friend to somebody. Given my extremely narrow perspective however it isn't likely that I will approach TOM, should that ever become necessary, with much of the respect, good humor or compassion that he very likely deserves. This is a mistake on my part. It is always wiser to take the larger perspective, except I would argue with people like Hitler, Stalin or Sadam Husein despite whatever charm, asthetic sense or love of Mommy they might have possessed. At some point the damage you cause cancels out the positives. At this point that the world is justified in labeling you "evil" and owes you no compassion beyond a painless death. It is perhaps open to debate whether or not George Bush has crossed that line.


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