Friday, May 18, 2007

firecrackers blasting

The debate beween Chuangtzu and Huitzu whether the fish is happy tires me.
The Picnic at Hanging Rock by Peter Weir is a beautiful misery which I never find out what happened.
Why Dragons seem a universal totem for many different ethnic groups? That is because we have the same brain structure.
Sacrifice King: the King is to be sacrificed to God.

When the Gods parades of Matzu and Wongyie ran into an intersection to a main road, which God had the right the go first? Who was the one with higher power?

Matzu’s Bajiajiang came to the square with firecrackers blasting, smoke shrouding and noisy music, to demonstrate how powerful she was.
Wongyie’s Bajiajiang didn’t yield to their demonstration, coming in to the square to dance their protest. It turned out to be a dazzlingly colorful party.

The leaders of Bajaijians from two sides negotiated by dance and reached their agreement, which was Lady First. So Matzu’s parade went first to the main road and then Wongyie’s parade followed suit.

I meet Gods on my way home, quiet often.


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