Friday, May 18, 2007

still organizing thoughts

kate.lin - I am still organizing thoughts.

bob - Apparently. It can be quite a struggle and sometimes like quicksand. Quick sand? I don't know why they call it that. It doesn't do anything quickly. Call is funny too. Were I to call it on the phone and call out "Hey! quick sand, come over here quick" it would probably call back "Hey, dumbo, I'm neither quick nor sand but an odd combination of peat bog and water." The etymology nuts would come along and point out that quick was once used in the expression "the quick and the dead" but that hardly helps does it? A sinky feeling would ensue. Did you know that skinny once meant skin like? Are you skinny? I am not. Neither am I exhausted but rather could prattle along like this forever as per the normal progress of things and know that schizophrenics will some day be neither naked nor ashamed but instead clothed in armour like those guys in the 300 movie. Grand epics will be written in our honour and the over fed but under challenged will yawn while watching the movie version, yawning and eating popcorn. I lost the rhythm of this some time ago but press ahead regardless. Despite the advances of science farting too will remain a nuisance but not as bad as diarrhoea in that diarrhoea is a liquid whereas farting a gas with no relation to the rolling stones song. According to Hung-nin Samuel Cheung (a mouthfull in any language) author of "A Practical Chinese Grammar" language is a highly complex form of creative activity. It is replete with metaphors, which by their very nature, make the learning an interesting and thought-provoking experience. Boy you can say that again, though I don't quite understand the first bit.


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