Saturday, February 26, 2005

what if nothing existed? (part deux)

bob wrote - And yet I feel compelled to continue along in this vein since it is so EASY to write in this fashion. The trick is to not really have anything in particular you want to say but instead rather just twaddle along hither and tither in whatever direction your brain blows next. It is wondeful really this writer centered writing which cares not a dam about it's reader but instead just ambles about in keeping with the rhythm of itself. I would write about it but somehow that seems like what I am doing already after a fashion and since the fever and third class transport loosened sometime ago the defenses of my mind....

Hatch wrote - What if bob didn't exist?

Tigerman wrote - That would be depressing. Bob wrote - What if nothing existed. No earth, no moon, no universe.... nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zippity doo dah day. What then?

Then, nothing. No ifs and or buts about it. Just plain nothing.

But, is nothing plain? Or, is there a complexity to nothing that we cannot understand?

bob? Back to you.

bob wrote - See now tiger that is exactly the sort of thing I was wondering about. I mean what exactly would nothing be like anyway? I just can't seem to get my mind bent around this one. In high school we used to buy a lot of peyote buttons and they came with a sort of introductory essay describing the role of peyote in traditional latin American aboriginie society, the pharmacology of hallucinagenics in general, proper preperation of peyote and the effects we could expect upon consumption. There was no mention however of what it would be like if there was nothing and while I suspect it might be somewhat comparable to what it is like when everything is melting there is, of course, no way that I can be certain about this. It does help to soothe the soul somewhat the realization that there are others out there with similar concerns as myself, and while that soothing sensation might not be much like nothing either, it is, I suspect, a lot like love and that is not a bad substitute.

fred smith wrote - Since we are beings and our knowledge of our existence is predicated our our becoming while being in relation with existence which is also a being of becoming, we cannot truly understand what true nothingness would be like since the very absence of everything would not be nothing but a negation of everything which in itself would be something.


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