Tuesday, August 23, 2005

DVD Vocab

But before we get started on that I thought I'd share a vocab list I "finished" for my students today. You can use it in reverse if you like to study Chinese.

Movie Vocabulary
Here is a list of some of the words and expressions you might need if you want to study with movies and television programs. You will already know some of them but others will probably be new to you. Don’t worry. This is just an introduction. Words are like people. It takes time to get to know them. Some will become good friends. Others will be forgotten quickly. And still others (many, many others) haven’t been added yet as this list should grow with every class you come to, every movie you see, every common expression you learn….

Basic Television Vocab
Please turn on the television - Qing3 da3 kai1 dian4shi4.
Please turn off the television - Qing guan1diao4 dian4shi4.
Please turn it up - Qing3 da4 shang1 yi5dian3.
Please turn it down - Qing3 xiao3 shang1 yi5dian3.

Basic DVD Vocab
Repeat function - chong2fu4 gong1neng2
Push "a" - an4 a
Push "b" - an4 b
Subtitle - zi4mu4
English subtitle - ying1wen2 zi4mu4
Chinese subtitle - zhong1wen2 zi4mu4
Change the subtitle - gai3bian4/huan4 zi4mu4
Play - buo1fang4
Fast forward - kuai4zhuan3
Rewind - hui2zhuan3
Pause - Zhan4ting2
Stop - ting2zhi3
Cue - tiao2dao4 ni3 yao4 de di4fung1
Channel - pin2dao4
Remote Control - yao2kong4qi4

Miscellaneous Vocab
Erase the tape- san1cu2 lu4yin1dai4
Continue - ji4xu4
Look up this word in the dictionary - zhe4ge ci2 cha3 zi4dian3
Record this - lu4xia4lai3 zhege
Write it down - xie3xia4lai3 zhe4ge
Read aloud - nian4qu1lai2
Mimic - mo2fang3
Tone of Voice - sheng1yin1yin1diao4
Body language - zhi1ti3yu3yan2
Facial Expression - lien3bu4biao3qin2
Stress - zhong4yin1
Pause - ting2zhi3
Translate - fan1yi4
Context - shang4xia4wen2
Homonym - tong2yin1 yi4yi4 ci2
Summarize - zong3jie2
Style - feng1ge2
Hero - ying1xiong2
Pretend - jia3zhuang1
Formal - zheng4shi4
Informal - fei1 zheng4shi4
Metaphor - bi3yu4 de shuo1fa
Idiom -cheng2yu3
Sarcasm - feng3ci4
Common Expression - pu3pian4 de biao3da2fa3
Drama - xi4ju4
Comedy - xi3ju4
Focus on - zhuan1zhu4
Plot - qing2jie2
Character - jiao3si4
Theme (topic) - zhu3ti
Theme (message/moral) - zhu3tihan4yi4
Dialogue - dui4hua4
Scene - mu4
Shot - pian4duan4
Edit - jian3ji2
Story - gu4shi
Situation - qing2kuang4
Director - dao3yan3
Actor - yan3yuan2
Script - dian4ying3ju4ben3
Screenwriter - dian4ying3ju4ben3zuo4zhe3
Acting - yan3ji4
Assume - jia3se4 (se - spelling?)
The end - jie2ju2
Main character - zhu2jiao3
Atmosphere - qi4fen4

Grammar Vocab
Grammar - wen2fa3
Sentence - ju4zi
Subject - zhu3ci2
Object - shou4ci2
Parts of Speech - ge4zhong3ci2lei4
Verb - dong4ci2
Main Verb - zhu3dong4ci2
Auxiliary Verb - zhu4dong4ci2
Be Verb - be dong4ci2
Simple Form of the Verb - yuen2xing2 dong4ci2
Noun - ming2ci2
Adjective - xing2rong2ci2
Adverb - fu4ci2
Preposition - jie4xi4ci2
Statement - chen2shu4ju4
Yes/No Question - dui4bu2dui4/shi4bu2shi4 wen4ti2
Or question - huo4shi4 yi2wen4ju4
Information Question - xun4xi2yi2wen4ju4
Information Question Words - yi2wen4ci2
Answer - hui2da2
Short answer - duan3 de hui2da2
Simple Present - xian4zai4shi2
Simple Past - guo4qu4shi2
Simple Future - wei4lai2shi2
Present Progressive - xian4zai4jin4xing2shi4
Past Progressive - guo4qu4jin4xing2shi4
Present Perfect - xian4zai4wan2chun2shi4
Present Perfect Progressive - xian4zai4wan2chun2jin4xing2shi4
Form - xing2shi4
Verb Tense - dong4ci2shi2tai4
Active - zhu3dong4
Passive - bei4dong4
Negative Answer/ sentence/ question - Fou3ding4 de hui2da2/ ju4zi/
Transitive Verb - ji2wu4 dong4ci2
Intransitive Verb - bu4ji2wu4 dong4ci2
Contraction - suo1xie3
Phrase - ci2zu3
Clause - zi3ju4

Pronunciation Vocab
Pronunciation - fa1yin1
Alphabet - zi4mu4
Letter - zi4mu4
Vowel - mu3yin1
Consonant - zi3yin1
Stress - zhong4yin1
Stressed - zhong4yin1 de
Unstressed - fei1 zhong4yin1 de
Rhyme - ya1yun4
Syllable - yin1jie2
Alphabet - zi4mu4
Letter -zi4mu4


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