Friday, September 02, 2005


I have always thought that through dialogue people get closer to the truth. My mistake was in thinking that people are actually interested in the truth and not just in promoting their own agenda. For example the truth is that a good many people on this planet consume an inordinate share of the world's resources. Those people for the most part, however, would rather philosphize away any responsibility they might have for the profound losses that they contribute to. All the dialogue in the world will not put a dent in that sad fact. People want their cars, their over sized houses, their luxury boats, their international vacations (I know I do), their extravagant diets and that's it. For these things they (we?) pollute the atmosphere, rape the oceans, slaughter the forests and foul the rivers and lakes of our planet. Our children will inherit a vastly impoverished planet and when they look back at the video record of the natural world that once was and ask why it was all lost the only realistic answer they will be able to come up with is that their anscetors were too narrow minded and selfish to alter their consumption habits. This, will be our legacy.


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