Saturday, February 26, 2005

english teacher personality type

People stumble into English teaching in Taiwan for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they like languages, or money, or girls, or all three. Some of them realize after a while that they have bitten off way more than they can chew and for that reason start studying. They then either "get the bug" or they don't, meaning they either really get into language teaching/study and all the linguistics, psychology, hard work and good fun involved or they don't. The ones who "get it" invariably become second language students themselves.

It is true that some continue to teach even though they hate it, which is terribly unfortunate for everyone involved. Others though realize that the business is whatever you make it and decide to make it something interesting, fun and meaningful for themselves and their students. This is an extremely complicated undertaking that requires more skill and inteligence than most people will ever develop in a life time. People can criticize us all they want but if they have never learned a second language as an adult, they really don't have a clue what they are talking about.


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