Saturday, February 26, 2005

rattled brain syndrome

My thoughts processes seem to be becoming more and more disorganized. I wonder if it is my schedule.
11AM - Stagger out of bed.
11:05 - Turn on computer. Wade through a pile of poorly composed but oh so dreadfully important business letters. Attempt to render them into comprehensible English.
11:45 - Turn on CD player. To the accompaniment of loud rock and roll music rattle my head about the apartment trying to impose some sort of order on my cramped living arrangement.
12:15 - Lunch. I pretend to understand what people say to me but actually I am just flirting. This frequently leaves me feeling somewhat agitated.
12:45 - Bus ride. This usually involves a review of vocabulary and an attempt to remember anything of what I said last class.
1:00 - Teach the day's first class. Usually an ill conceived affair involving a lot of experimentation and attempts at profound comments in a language that I don't really speak.
3:00 - Headache.
3:05 - Another bus ride. More review of vocabulary and waiting for the bus to quit rattling so I can underline things. Headache worsens.
3:10 - An attempt is made at exercise.
3:15 - Attempt at exercise is abandoned due to worries about the evenings class.
3:15 - 4:00 - Snooze.
4:00 - 6:00 - Searching through linguistics textbooks looking for some confirmation that the language learning system I am developing makes any sort of sense.
6:30 - Another bus ride.
7:00 - 9:00 - Evening class. More experimentation. Experience a strange mixture of fear, confusion and boredom. Nobody seems to know what to do but everyone seems happy when I leave.
9:05 - Another bus ride. Vague sensation of unreality settles in as I ask myself "How did I get here?" "How do I work this?" The only answers I can think of are "That is not my large beautiful house." "That is not my fancy automobile." "That IS however my beautiful wife." Some consolation is found in this.
9:30 - Attempt to recollect whatever epiphanies I might have had over the preceding 24 hours in order that they might be rendered into yet another brilliant essay. Simultaneous attempt at translating one or the other of said essays into Pinyin. Things are really getting hectic upstairs by now.
10:00 - Wife awakens from after diner snooze. At first she appears to be among the living dead but gradually becomes more animated. Marital duties are attended to.
10:05 - Somehow feeling more relaxed but with much work left to do I decide it is time for beer.
12:30 - The beer was good but I can't figure out why those guys at UfC keep interrupting the best fights with those god dam tele-slut commercials.


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