Saturday, February 26, 2005


This stuff of life stuff is sure complicated. Brain chemistry affects your thoughts and emotions and the the thoughts you choose and the feelings associated with them in turn affect your brain chemistry. And of course all of this takes place within a physical and social environment which also affects thoughts, emotions and brain chemistry. You can step in at any point and change things. You can choose to think differently or move into or create a different environment. You can work with the brain chemistry directly. Or, ideally, you can do all three simultaneously. For myself I just realized that I had gotten awfully tired of feeling listless and irritable all the time. Buddhist psychology, exercise, creative activity, and yes, prozac, have given me an entirely more positive outlook on life. I break them in half and take two or three a week. It is a miniscule dose but it seems to have a positive effect. Nobody is "a" depresive. We are all so much more than that.


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