Monday, October 16, 2006

a good day for monkies

better for them than for me of course cuz they could climb a little higher in the trees, up into the wind and the sunshine where the choice fruit grows, but still, not a bad day for monkies, not bad at all, must have been a hundred of us up there...

Friday, October 06, 2006

estudia espanol?

A spanish guy spoke to me in Chinese the other night and I thought his accent was interesting so, taking a stab in the dark, asked if he was from France, he said, "bu wo shi xibanyaren estudia espanol?" and thinking that he was still speaking Chinese I said "yidian dian" and he said "mucho gusto" and I said "gaoxing jian dao ni" and it went on like that for a bit till I realized we had gotten our languages mixed up some time prior. Then there was the issue of the lovely ladies nationality and their preferred language of discourse, which, if one were honest, was probably body, body langauge and what with all that and the other it was a delightful time, just delightful.