Thursday, August 28, 2008

skull huggery

Before my dad died he went for a brain x-ray or some freaking thing and they said that he didn't have a brain but rather a large cancerous tumor where his brain should have been. There was just a thin widge of brain matter, about the thickness of a pencil, hugging his skull. That is what the doctor said, or at least I am fairly confident that that is what he meant when he said whatever it was he said when he meant that there was just a thin widge of brain matter. I doubt that he said "widge" given that I just made the word up. Anyway, he (my father) was acting a little odd during this time of course, slipping in and out of consciousness, making funny faces etc. but he was also charming as hell sometimes. During that time I was talking to a woman once and she said, "Hey, I was talking to your dad yesterday. He was funny as hell," and I said "Yeah, that certainly is funny, according to the doctor he's got no brain!" I don't know why exactly but this story fills me with hope.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The best book on spirituality I ever read was a creek. It was one of those implausible creeks with a fish in it too big to understand.

Other than that the books have been mostly lousy, though I liked carlos castenada. At least "he" had a sense of humour.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

a unique perspective

Strolling down the crowded avenue one day (many years ago) I happened to observe a large turd sitting gracefully upon the window sill of a major fashion retailer. It was a high window sill and so the turd was well placed to capture one's complete attention, at least momentarily. It was a large turd, as mentined, well formed, with creases in it, corresponding to wrinkles in the colon I would imagine.

How on earth could it have gotten there?

Well formed or not, I can't imagine it is any simple matter to pick up a turd and place it anywhere (let alone the window sill of a major fashion retailer on a crowded avenue) without breaking it or leaving some sort of impression upon it. It must have been frozen first, of course, but how would you get it in the freezer? You'd have to "place" it there directly, as it were. And where would be the guarantee that you were going to produce such a spectacular specimen?

It just isn't reasonable. Real art rarely is, or always is, depending of course upon your unique perspective....

In any event ladies and gentleman, and I'm sure you'll agree, it remains a mystery still, the mystery of the turd on the window sill, and I doubt that even my esteemed collegues here are likely to come up with a plausible explanation.